Liam Shorte
Michael Rambaldini
- December 11, 2015
Michael Rambaldini & Liam Shorte engaged Power Creative to create a video dialogue piece, with a style of retrospective and outlook for their business and role to their clients.
After contemplation of a variety of approaches we filmed the piece in a studio setting for the dialogue, with some cut-away vision of clients and staff in action at their Castle Hill location.
Power Creative also assisted Verante with the layout and display of their final edited videos, helping with links to their own Vimeo Pro account for commerical use as well as a direct Facebook Pages video campaign/news update. See samples below:
Verante Vimeo Pro Page sample here
Verante Facebook Page sample here
Liam’s SMSF Facebook Page sample here
- 2 day edit
- 3 Cameras
- Advertising
- Audio engineer