- May 08, 2019
Further to a 6-part series of customer case study videos for the Optus Business 2019 at Darling Harbour Convention Centre, this brief was to create an opener “hype reel” for the Optus Business accomplishments of FY19.
This edit was completed with a combination of assets supplied by Optus of events and launches over the past year, with additional media we had produced as part of the customer case study videos, and “FutureNow” technology and innovation space.
Privacy Note: the content in this video is not for public share, so the video has a password set for privacy of this clients’ IP.
However, we’re more than happy to display individually with clients who are considering style guides on a one-to-one basis.
- 3 day edit
- Branding
- Series of Video Projects
- Showreel